Thursday, September 22, 2011

Broken pieces of glass

When thoughts pour hot
Stir them well
Before they hurt
Your lips.
Jot down the familiar
Wrapped in doubt,
Or conceal a smile
To go straight to it.
The laughter of the unknown
May deliriously haunt
And the only rule is
To mask what you are,
To let no one know;
And you’d end up
With something like
Broken pieces of glass.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The voice says it all

My voice always
Drowns in a crowd.
Not that I’m the
Screaming type.
But aren’t there times
When one would like
To speak aloud,
Or think aloud rather;
And some idiot
Would silence me
As they did to ‘her’
This voice is never
An expression of the self;
Just an inner fancy
Wanting to show off for long.
And the mould itself
But a casual spectator.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Girls don’t survive
Without a shed of tear,
One for love,
And the other
For fear
A life – giving dew
They hold on to;
Embalming and free.
But now she has
Bottled tear-drops
To burst her heart;
And there comes
An automatic arm,
Only to feel the
Smoothness of her hair.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Look straight

Since there is none
To hold her back
Here she goes
Out into the world
To build a future
Of her own
Why must she care
Whether her heart
Is pending/
She has willed her destiny
And shall not sever
From the path she chose
When there is
None to cling on to,
Its best to be a
And find one’s own flower
Why bother
Whether you live
But a day or two!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Isn’t it whimsical,
That folks whom
We never slight,
Are ones who have
Given us the bite.

Be it the serpentine tongue
Of  nefarious jealousy,
Or the more soft enfold
Of sophistical pity;
Warped nicety
Have tickled me
Most excruciatingly
Though against will
I was laughing outright.


Fate may come
In different colours
Each one has a
Novel tinge of shade
Added to the muskier hue;
But let us not complain
For there is nothing
We can do
Invite each one
With invincible strength;
Never hostile,
If not pleasant,
And each one leaves
In a similar fashion
Building room for new;
The primary colours
I’ve tried them all;
A wait and behold
The rarest shade
To encounter you


Sometimes its hard to think
And make the right decisions
There are times you feel
You’ll reach nowhere
Thoughts can mortify
A timid soul;
And you feel it’s best
Not to think at all
A mind in turmoil
Is worse than fear
In fear there is comfort;
A notion of the terror
To dread or dare
At times you feel
That all is lost;
But does it help
If you cry alone/

Hot coffee

It’s beautiful
To watch the steam
Curling into the
Most ghostly shapes
From a mug of
Hot coffee
Innumerable forms
Soft and fluffy,
Hug the sky
Wanting to merge
Into thin air
From a distance
The scene is lonely
To sniff the aroma
Of crushed brownies
Is to relish every sip
   Drop by drop.


She has learned to live
With her loneliness
As the days go on
Snuggled and warm,
In a cozy bed,
She has never dreamt
To fly.
Sometimes the echo
Of her own voice
Startles her;
As though she were
Speaking to some spirit.
She has got used
To her shadow
As the light dims;
And curious enough
She has never learnt
To cry.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Halcyon tears

Those tears won’t
Taint her face;
They flow freely
Out of joy,
Not meekly;
But with an air
Of its own,
Proclaiming its own beauty.
It caught hold
Of one of them
And brought it
Close to my heart
It gave me an assurance
Of love and beautiful ease

Feeding on lies

Could all the lies
Of a corrupt world
Wipe out a truth/

Would no speck
Lie remnant
For me to touch or feel
And call it truth/

Our universe is such
Where falsehood dons
The shimmer of virtue
Leaving the simpleton
Baffled and appalled,
Feeding on trash,
Mendacity and deceit


He locked me inside
And called the others
To brand me a thief
Flurried, but reticent faces
Peer through the glass;
I tried to laugh
As they opened the door,
Each eye pierced
Right into my soul,
And I had done
No wrong at all.
That aura of
Wonder and awe
Would have made me swoon
If not for the sly
Mocks and moans;
They cant share
What I’m going through
So let me tread my road
Tenaciously sole;
Leaning them astern,
For I hardly recognize
Them anymore.

Monday, September 12, 2011

To forgive

Arranging the books
In the library,
I stumbled upon
The forgotten word,
Which was esteemed
Highly in yester years,
And I wondered
Why the word ‘forgive’
Never strikes us now.
Was it locked
In an ancient box
That none came
To know of it
And became a thing lost,
Or a treasure forgotten/
We all have the key
To set it free;
So with fortitude  lets say
  “I’ll forgive you”


Would you love
A bowl of orridge
Tinctured with animosity,
Even when staving/
I think not;
For it chokes the throat
Taking hunger along
With it is to a
Distant land of its own;
And no morsel
Would ever relish
That familiar way,
I did before;
When each tongue
Had a bit of craving

Dark light

Why should I fear the darkness
If I don’t fear the light

What my eyes can’t discern
During night fall,
Shall never ascertain
In the gleaming sunrise

So why love one more
And afflict the other/

The colour of your hair
Suits not your face;
Nor can dawn ever touch
The fairy of dusk.


A smile can bestow
A radiance to your visage;
So unfurl the luminescence
To those around.

I could eternally
Bask in this resplendence,
Chanting the hymns
I cherish the most.

Like the kiss of a ray
That blossoms every rose,
Let’s join hands
To merry and frolic.

If it’s God’s love
That entwines us all,
Let me never
Sever my cord

Give joy and received love,
And every lip would bloom
The purest pearls in the deep

Go to Hell

Let him dig a hole
And lie buried there.
All this blabber of death
Has left him bare.

If he desires to die
Let him furnish the means;
Rather than rave and rant
To alarm my nerves,
Terrifying me whole;
While he mocks the world
And scamper around.

Show me a rope or rock
That would rend
This mortifying roar;
Coercing him to yell no more!


I have loved only once.
But no sooner did
Realization dawn on me,
He vanished from site
Without a word

But should I blame him,
Whose tiny eyes
Barely discerned me as “life”/

“A heap of dust”
That’s what we are.

Yet I am vapour,
Floating about,
Seeking him no more
As I bump straight
To another cloud
That resembles him close.

Crawling on footsteps

The people who dislike me
Go by a minority,
And they outwardly
Show their dislike
For me and I thank
The Heavens for that.
I’d not have endured
A counterfeited smile
And a venomous tongue
Behind my back;
Atleast their blood
Flows free from hypocrisy
With only traces
Of spite and worry;
Which I can easily forgive
Bearing in mind
The distance I’ve crawled
In their footsteps

Being a woman

Are you disgusted
With the way I speak/
Pardon me! For that’s
The only way I know.
My voice is coarse
And my features sharp
One look can snipe
A blade of grass.
I cannot laugh
Like the tingling of bells.
Nor can I match my gait
To the rhythm of poetry;
I gobble what I am offered
With no polite etiquettes;
And can sleep for hours
After a tiring work.
But if these make me
Less of a woman,
Am I pretending
To be someone else/


Boy, would you ever
Grow up to be a man/
Sympathetic and unselfish;
Caring to those around/
Discard not your “other”
For she keeps you alive.
Or like a sin unconfessed,
Crawling every inch
Of your time,
You would be haunted
By visions,
That make you
Lose your mind.
The choice is yours;
Make up your mind,
And make it fast,
For there is a world
Calling out to you
Would you want
To be left behind/


I feel supine
To take a bath
On a bleak rainy eve.
The flash of time
I bare my shape,
The nipping air
Wraps me in a
Chilling swirl;
As I shudder to turn
The shower on.
Each drop from the
Heavens above,
Pricks my flesh
Like a boring tool.
Placidly stung
I rub myself sound;
The cleansing ritual is done
But is it penance enough.


It’s an impulse
You’ve gifted me,
So let me not
Crush it within.

With enough paper
And ink to befriend me
Time can wait outdoors.

Guide me right;
And I shall plough
My domain
In no time.

Seldom give me flowers  
Though I dream my fields
Rosy and green.

May no seed fall
On stubborn ground,
Where dearth of water
May shrivel its verve.

A dog’s life

They put a chain
Around my neck
And called me love.
My mater comes
Rarely to stroke
Me warm
And I leap
At his sight
When he brings me
Gifts and bones
At night he locks me
Safe in a room,
Letting me enjoy
My dreams alone.
When he is away
I have his name
To entail me by
And I easily cry
As I miss his sight
This waiting is not
Tiresome for me
Leaving me forgotten
Like this to meet my pain
As I wonder the next
To hold my chain.


There was’nt a single star,
In the swarthy heavens,
The night he came
To bid adieu.

The dreamy moon
Seemed drowsy;
And I tried my best
To slake the pang.

With a soulful smile
He held my arm,
Surprisingly warm;
For the wet, bleak,
Hours of June.
I wished him gone
Before I let myself weak.

Like a golden flame
Waltzing at dusk,
I darted high
To contain the sore,
Blurring my eyes
To an envelope of rout;
As I watch him dissolve
To an age of no return

A flower

There is a flower
Reposing on my table,
Kept by some fairy
Who had no want of it.

It is not a rose
As you might have fancied.
This wild beauty
Of the forest green,
Has no name
Neither pellucid nor decorous.

Yet its easy calm
Ruffles my sight
As I ponder why someone
Reckoned me;
For nothing especial
Ushers today;
And I pensively ruminate
Who the fairy could be.